t rex run 關於t rex run的評價, DJ Mykal a.k.a.林哲儀 原本一個小時的暖場DJ演出,雖然臨時才知道要多放半小時,但也絲毫不會影響,這就是不預先排Set可以隨機應變的好處吧(笑) 總之最終這個歌單就是呼應DJ Mykal 20週年的主題做了不同年代歌曲... 2017-04-23 19:53:41 有 1,578 人說讚
t rex run t rex run [154171] 20971. Johnny Flynn - Raising the Dead ( [154171] 20971. Johnny Flynn - Raising the Dead (... 2020-05-10 11:07:47 有 6 人說讚
t rex run t rex run So....Rex and I had a chat about the future of th So....Rex and I had a chat about the future of th... 2020-10-27 02:44:45 有 6 人說讚
t rex run t rex run OMG😱... It's a huge dinosaur...😲 We better run ot OMG😱... It's a huge dinosaur...😲 We better run ot... 2019-04-10 22:32:43 有 1 人說讚